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Breaking News: Roundcube CalDAV Plugin Enhances Webmail Experience

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- CalDAV server allows users to connect to Roundcube Plus calendar plugin.

- Enhance Roundcube webmail with the CalDAV Calendar plugin.

News Lead: In a groundbreaking development, the Roundcube Plus calendar plugin now features a CalDAV server, enabling users to seamlessly connect their local Roundcube installation to external calendar services.

The CalDAV server, provided by Kolab, offers a convenient way to integrate Roundcube with popular calendar applications. This integration allows users to synchronize their events, tasks, and appointments across multiple devices and platforms.

To connect Roundcube to the CalDAV server, users can follow a simple two-step process. Additionally, for those seeking a simplified setup, Kolab offers comprehensive documentation on setting up a Roundcube server with a SQLite3 database on Debian.
